CPSC 426 Work

There are three components to the work for cs426:

Every assignment will include making an animation to be handed in. At the end of the term, we'll celebrate with a show of everything good.


Assignment 1 (10%): cs426a1.txt, due Tuesday September 20 at midnight (i.e. very late Tuesday). Get the source code for ImagePlay under Resources.

Assignment 2 (10%): cs426a2.tar.gz, due Thursday October 13 at midnight (i.e. very late Thursday).

Assignment 3 (20%): cs426a3.txt, due Sunday November 27 at midnight (i.e. very late Sunday). This is to be done in groups of two students each. Some sample code to help you out will be coming shortly (see also Resources for some Python/OpenGL code examples).

Assignment 4 (20%): cs426a4.txt, due Friday December 2 at midnight (late Friday night). You may do this in groups of two or by yourself.


Please read the following research papers. Links are to the official electronic source, accessible through the UBC library system (either via a computer on the UBC network, including ubcsecure wireless, or via logging in to the EZ Proxy service with your CWL.)


To give you an idea of what sort of exam questions will be asked, refer to an old final exam: oldexam_cs426_winter2008.pdf. However, note that the actual content of the course has changed somewhat since then, so several of the questions may not make sense as study material.

Midterm (10%): Friday October 28 12-1pm (in class). Here are example solutions: midterm_solved.pdf. Note that for some questions there was ambiguity allowing for other correct answers.

Final (30%): Wednesday December 14, 8:30-11am, in room DMP 301.