CS426 (fall 2011) Assignment 1 "FlipBook" Due: Tuesday September 20 at midnight (i.e. very late on Tuesday) Your task is to create a simple Python/Qt program for drawing and playing back animations (roughly like classic flip books). Roughly speaking, combine ImagePlay (which you can download off the cs426 website) and the Scribble Qt example after you convert it to Python. You don't need to include options for pen size or pen colour, or even clearing an image, but you do need to be able to: - draw on any frame, at any point, - and save and load the image sequence. You should use framecontrol.py from ImagePlay to control frame number, and play back the animation at the desired speed---or you may write your own more capable version if you prefer. Together with your Python code, hand in an interesting animation you make with it---they will be shown in class and the best kept for the end-of-term celebration, so have fun with it! The animation should be a sequence of .png images at 640x360 resolution, playable at 12fps (animated "on twos"), between 40 and 120 frames in length. Use the handin program to submit: put your code and your images in subdirectories of ~/cs426/a1, then run "handin cs426 a1"