CPSC 418: Information

Goto CPSC 418 Home Page (1999)

[ Course Outline | Instructor | Lectures | Marking | Newsgroup | Course Readings | Text Book | T.A. | Tutorials ]


Teaching Assistant


Text Book

There is currently no required textbook for this course. A series of articles pulled from industry and academic journals, as well as readings from the recommended text (below), will serve as a focus for discussion. These articles will be made available throughout the term.

From time to time, I will be recommending readings from the book:

The book should be available on reserve at Main Library. In addition, a copy is on reserve in the CICSR Reading Room (ask at the desk). You do not need to buy this book for the course. However, it is an excellent book. If you have $120 dollars to spend, I encourage you to buy this book, as it is becoming the de facto standard advanced architecture book. Be sure to get the 2nd edition -- the first edition is somewhat dated, and not as advanced.

Course Readings

Instead of a required textbook, 15 to 20 articles drawn from academic and industry journals will be handed out in class. A reading list will be available at the web site. Students are expected to read an article before the class in which the article will be discussed -- the articles are not long and class discussion will assume familiarity with the results.

You are required to purchase $10 in Computer Science HANDOUT coupons (NOT print coupons) from the Bookstore to cover the cost of duplicating the papers. Turn your coupons in to your professor or TA. Be sure to put your name on your coupons.


Homework 10% (Approximately six short assignments)
Class participation 10%
Midterm 40% (Probably on Thurs, Feb 25)
Final 40%

Course Outline

WARNING: I expect this class to be extremely disorganized and chaotic! Much of the material presented is recent research, the various papers use different terminology, and the material is not my primary research area. If you cannot tolerate disorganized lectures, confusing assignments, and challenging readings, if you're not highly self-motivated to track down information for yourself, if you need nicely formatted on-line notes and good answers to every question, then I recommend that you not take this course. Pick something else instead. You've been warned.

That being said, this course will hopefully explore some really fascinating aspects of computer architecture. Much of the excitement in computer science is being driven by recent advances in computer architecture, and modern microprocessors are truly amazing feats of human ingenuity. As this is an advanced course, I hope we can take leading-edge papers and announcements on truly state-of-the-art stuff and dissect them, figure out what makes them tick. The goal is more than learning what's out there; the goal is learning how to learn about computer architecture.

The following is a rough guide to what we'll cover.

Class Participation

Any student who earns 25 or more class participation points (about 1 per lecture) will receive the full 10%. Marks will be linearly scaled from 10% for 25 points to 0% for 0 points.
Points Action
3 be first to alert me to an error in an assignment or solution
2 bring a web page or article that can be used in the course to my attention.
2 answer a question in the newsgroup
1 ask a question in the newsgroup
1 actively and positively participate in a class period

Homework Assignments

Information Sources


I strongly encourage you to give me feedback on what you like and don't like about the course, what you find easy or difficult, what homework problems you learned from and which ones you found non-helpful.

Writing Quality and Grammar

As scientists and engineers, you must be able to communicate effectively. Marks will be taken off for poor writing style and grammatical errors that impede understanding. Spell check everything that you type!


Discussions about the concepts in the course and the homework assignments are encouraged, but the assignments themselves are to be done by each student individually.

I basically trust you all not to cheat, and I expect cheating not to be a problem. However, suspected cheating cases will be referred promptly to the University for appropriate disciplinary action.

Medical Exemptions

Students who cannot attend the midterm or final examination, or who are unable to complete assignments on time because of an illness or injury, should obtain a medical certificate and see me as early as possible, so that appropriate arrangements can be made. However, medical certificates should not be used as ``insurance'' against poor marks on examinations. If you get sick or injured, then get a medical certificate and do not write the exam, since no medical exemption will be given later.
Goto CPSC 418 Home Page (1999)

Last modified: Jan 1999