CPSC 418: Information

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Teaching Assistant



Text Book

There is no required textbook for this course. A series of articles pulled from industry and academic journals will serve as a focus for discussion. These articles will be made available at the start of the term.

For students who would like to have an alternative source covering the same material, I will provide reading lists from the following textbooks. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you have access to at least one of the textbooks -- they all cover the basic material reasonably well. However, they are expensive and do not provide enough advanced material for me to justify requiring them.

If you have one of these books, keep it. If you don't have any, don't bother buying one unless you feel you really need something in addition to the articles and lectures.

Course Readings

Instead of a required textbook, 10 to 15 articles drawn from academic and industry journals will be handed out in class. A reading list is available at the web site. Students are expected to read an article before the class in which the article will be discussed -- the articles are not long and class discussion will assume familiarity with the results.


Homework 30% (Approximately six assignments)
Class participation 10%
Midterm 20% (Probably on Thurs, Feb 27)
Final 40%

Course Outline

The following topics will definitely be covered. At least the first 50% of the course will be devoted to the first four topics below.

Approximately 25% of the course will be devoted to optional topics. In addition to expansion on topics listed above, the following topics may be included. A decision on how to allocate the optional portion of the course will depend on resources and popular demand.

Class Participation

Any student who earns 30 or more class participation points (about 2.5 per week) will receive the full 10%. Marks will be linearly scaled from 10% for 30 points to 0% for 0 points.
Points Action
5 hand in the survey by Thursday, 9 Jan 97
3 be first to alert me to an error in an assignment or solution
2 bring a web page or article that can be used in the course to my attention.
2 ask or answer a question, in class or in the newsgroup
1 ask a question in private (e.g. in my office or via email)

Homework Assignments

Information Sources


I strongly encourage you to give me feedback on what you like and don't like about the course, what you find easy or difficult, what homework problems you learned from and which ones you found non-helpful.

Feedback counts towards class participation.

There is an anonymous suggestion box for the course accessible through the CPSC418 Web pages.

Writing Quality and Grammar

As scientists and engineers, you must be able to communicate effectively. Marks will be taken off for poor writing style and grammatical errors that impede understanding. Spell check everything that you type!


Discussions about the concepts in the course and the homework assignments are encouraged, but the assignments themselves are to be done by each student individually.

Copied problems will receive full negative marks. For example, a homework problem worth four marks will result in four marks being subtracted from the student's total. Also, the same negative mark will be given to the student who gives his/her assignment to someone else for copying.

Medical Exemptions

Students who cannot attend the midterm or final examination, or who are unable to complete assignments on time because of an illness or injury, should obtain a medical certificate and see me as early as possible, so that appropriate arrangements can be made. However, medical certificates should not be used as ``insurance'' against poor marks on examinations. If you get sick or injured, then get a medical certificate and do not write the exam, since no medical exemption will be given later.
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Last modified: Jan 1997