CPSC 314

September 2013


The main source of material for the course are the lecture and lab slides and student-recorded notes which will become available as the course progresses. The course textbook and other books listed below provide optional reading, which can help you better understand the material. However they do not replace any material taught in class.


Fundamentals of Computer Graphics: by Peter Shirley et al.
A.K. Peters. The 3rd edition recently came out, but the 2nd edition is also fine to use for the course.


There are several books available for use on OpenGL. You do not need to purchase these books (they are expensive). Although nice to read in a hardcopy, the entire Red Book and Blue Book are on-line for example at the official OpenGL website: www.opengl.org/documentation (They may not cover newer OpenGL features, but this course won't necessarily need the more advanced features, and depending on your platform they may not be available anyhow.)
OpenGL Programming Guide versions 3.0 and 3.1 by the OpenGL Architecture Review Board (a.k.a. the "Red Book") is indispensible if you plan to explore OpenGL more fully.
OpenGL SuperBible: Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference (5th Edition) is a reference book documenting the OpenGL API
OpenGL.org is the official web site for OpenGL, with lots of useful stuff. Nate Robins' OpenGL resources includes a place to download GLUT for Windows, as well as some great tutorial programs to make it easier to learn the OpenGL API.

We are using GLUT version 3.7. The HTML version of the GLUT manual is available online.


In the lectures I use the applets from here . Additional applets: metamers    triple-cell response    additive colour mixing   


I will use clickers in class to collect question answers. The responce to those will be part of your participation grade. See http://www.elearning.ubc.ca/toolkit/clickers/ for details on how to use/purchese those.

Instructor: Alla Sheffer