Course Staff


Equity, Inclusion, and Wellness

The CS Department has a fantastic statement on Equity, Inclusion, and Wellness with a large number of resource links available, for example if you have concerns or needs for accommodation.

We hope that all of us in the CPSC 311 course also create a welcoming, respectful, inclusive, and positive environment. While CPSC 311 is unlikely to be stress-free (because learning is hard work, and hard work is often stressful), we also hope you will not find the course overwhelming. You may have ideas, questions, or concerns about creating such an environment in the course; we may make a mistake; or we may just plain do something wrong. If any of that happens, please let someone know. Talk to one of us on the course staff if you’re comfortable or to someone from the link above (or the Head or Undegraduate Associate Head of the department) if you’re not.

Lectures and Tutorials

Lectures are MWF 10:00–11:00 in DMP 310. Here is a tutorial schedule:

Tutorial Day Time Room TA Staff
T1A Mon 14:00–15:00 ICCS X350 Lily
T1C Tue 15:00–16:00 ICCS X351 Sean
T1D Tue 16:00–17:00 ICCS X351 Jack
T1E Wed 14:00–15:00 ICCS X350 Lily

We will write code on the fly and collaboratively in lectures. So, bring your active curiosity to class... and your computer if you can! Do the reading (which means trying the exercises!) beforehand or expect to be left quickly behind.

Tutorials will also explore course concepts hands-on and on the fly. Tutorial material will sometimes supplement and sometimes reinforce lecture.

Come to tutorials prepared, having read assigned readings and attempted (or completed!) the current assignment. Those with laptops should bring them, although the tutorial rooms have some desktop computers.

Course Materials


Most of our programming will be in the PLAI dialect of Racket using its DrRacket environment. DrRacket is installed on the department machines, and is available for free download. See Assignments page for more information on getting set up.


People learn by doing, not listening. We will have regular assignments. The tentative term-long schedule is posted on the assignments page, including a schedule of assignment deadlines.

Read and adhere to the very open but absolutely required collaboration policy. See individual assignments for rules regarding teamwork.

No late submissions will be accepted. Thus, we can release solutions right away, which gives you a chance to get feedback when it counts. However, if you have extenuating circumstances, please contact your instructor immediately, preferably in advance, and we will try to handle the situation empathetically, reasonably, and respectfully. Submissions that do not acknowledge collaborators and sources will receive zero marks and result in an official misconduct investigation.

Coding Style

A key theme of this course is expressiveness in programs. Thus, we require you to write code that is clean, concise, elegant, tested and appropriately documented. Your grade on programming assignments will depend on these qualities. In particular:


All functions must have examples that informally characterize the behaviour of a function, while also serving as unit tests once the function design is complete. This is good software development practice but, more importantly, documents that you understand the intended operation of your function. When reviewing code, we will not give full credit to functions that do not have sufficient examples to explain and exercise their functionality, even if the function body is correct.

Good examples:

When writing examples, resist the temptation to make them massive and complicated (so they “must be demonstrate something”). Instead, write small, clean examples with clear purposes. They are concrete documentation of your understanding of the problem, and not random test cases. That they test your code is secondary. A mega-example may expose errors in your code or your understanding, that you hadn't yet accounted for, but if your mega-example fails, figure out which aspect of your understanding falls short and write a clear and communicative example that addresses that aspect of your program.

Collaboration Policy (for assignments)

Our course builds on the department’s academic integrity statement with additional rules designed to create a professional but collaborative environment:

(Can you access sites like Course Hero? Technically yes, but please do not, as such sites contribute little to your learning. If you ignore this advice, bear in mind that you must acknowledge the sites you use and may not “take notes away”. So, you have committed academic misconduct if you use such a site but do not acknowledge it or if you copy-and-paste material from such a site, regardless of acknowledgement.)

These rules encourage collaboration that helps you learn. Nonetheless, submissions that follow these rules will not display the unusual properties that, under stricter rules, suggest academic misconduct. Thus, we will vigorously—but with great disappointment and annoyance—prosecute submissions that display these unusual properties.

Collaboration Recommendations

When you collaborate with a classmate, follow the “Gilligan’s Island Rule”"Tiger King Rule""The Book of Boba Fett Rule" (thanks to Larry Ruzzo, who inspired the whole collaboration policy): After discarding notes from a collaboration, spend at least an hour doing something at least as mindless as watching Gilligan’s IslandTiger KingThe Book of Boba Fett (no URL provided for your own sake). If you can recreate your insights after such a mental emetic, you probably truly learned.


We use several systems for communication:

Within the confines of the collaboration policy, use Piazza for asking anything at all! If you’re in doubt about whether something should be posted publicly, simply post it privately! We all benefit from that! However, you can also e-mail the teaching staff for matters of a personal nature (see Course Staff when you need us).

Missing Lectures, Tutorials, and Exams

You are required to watch all scheduled lectures, tutorials (live or recorded), and to write the final exam. If you miss the final exam, you must follow the procedures defined in the Academic Concession Policy. Please see the Grade Calculation section for how to document missing a midterm exam.

Grade Calculation

Course components are weighted as follows:

Assignments: 40%
Midterm 1: 20%
Midterm 2: 20%
Final: 20%

The instructor reserves the right to modify these weights (but does not anticipate exercising that right).

The Final exam is cumulative, covering the entirety of the course.

You must pass the average of the midterm and final exams (weighted corresponding to the components labelled midterms/final above) to pass the course. If you fail this average, your course grade will be no higher than 45%.

The weight of each assignment will vary depending on workload and significance. We will drop your lowest assignment mark.

Each midterm exam will have equal weight. The midterms this term will take place in the Computer Based Testing Facilities (ICCS 008 and 014). If you miss one, please have (but do not yet provide) documentation for the reason you missed the exam and e-mail or post privately on Piazza as soon as possible explaining why you missed it.


This year 311 is using Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation by Shriram Krishnamurthi as the course text. With Shriram’s kind permission, we are borrowing heavily from other parts of his CS173 course at Brown. Many elements of the course are also based on prior work by Steven Wolfman, Kris De Volder, Gregor Kiczales, Norm Hutchinson, Kurt Eiselt, Jana Dunfield, Felipe Bañados Schwerter, and other previous course staff.