CS410, 2014W1

Advanced Software Engineering

Instructor: Elisa Baniassad (Office hours: TBD, ICICS329)
Prerequisites: CSC310 or both EECE 310 and EECE 315.
Lectures: MWF: 1-2pm. Hugh-Dempster Pavillion, rm310.

Quick Links

Piazza page

Course Objectives

Specification, Design, Construction and Validation of Multi-Version Software Systems.

When you have completed this course, you should be able to:
  • Understand the benefits and disadvantages of various architectures for constructing large, multi-version, multi-component software systems.
  • Apply software verification and validation techniques to the analysis of such projects.
  • Demonstrate ability in building a large, complex software project using modern software engineering technologies.
  • Communicate your architectural rationale, and provide insight into requirements traceability to code


Textbook: None -- There will be no textbook for this course - reading materials will be provided in class, or are available in the reading room

Discussion/Questions: Piazza -- We will be using the Piazza forum for out of class discussions, and also for group formation.

Return of marks: Paper or Connect -- We will be returning marks either on paper in person (midterm marks will be returned on paper, and some project marks will be returned on marking sheets). Some marks may be returned over Connect. Instructions if that happens will be posted to Piazza.


Project: 40% (group project)
Midterm: 25%
Final: 35%

To pass the course you must pass both the project and the final exam.
We do not accept late submissions for the project except in case of documented emergency.
For special accommodation for the exam or midterm, contact the Access and Diversity Office.