Tutorial 7


In PA4 you will be building your own reliable transport protocol, a simplified version of TCP. This tutorial is focused on reviewing TCP.

TCP Connection Establishment and Termination

Recall the TCP 3-way handshake, used to establish a connection between sender/receiver:


Q1. What additional information is sent with the SYN/ACK flags set? Why are the three steps necessary?

Recall the TCP 4-way handshake, used to terminate the connection between sender/receiver:


Q2. Why are the four steps necessary?

TCP Sequence and Acknowledgement numbers

Recall sequence and acknowledgement numbers for TCP:


TCP Retransmission







Flow Control

Recall the receiver may be slower at receiving data than the sender is at sending data. The receiver has a flow control window measured in bytes that will be advertised by the receiver.

TCP Segment


Q3. Which fields are important for the following aspects of a reliable, connection-based transport protocol?

Using Wireshark to Following a TCP Conversation

Now that we've refreshed the TCP basics, let's use Wireshark to follow a TCP conversation.

  1. Find the ipv4 and ipv6 addresses for google.com using ping and ping6 on your terminal.
  2. Open up Wireshark and start capturing.
  3. In your browser, load http://google.com/generate_204. This will load for a second but not generate any content. We are using this as an example as most web data is now encrypted and sent with TLS.
  4. Stop the Wireshark capture.
  5. Filter your capture using ip.addr == <the ipv4 address you found in 1>
  6. You should now be seeing the entire conversation between your computer and google.com.

Sequence and ACK Number Practice

Q4. Fill in the missing information for the following TCP packets. Assume the connection is already established, there are no outstanding packets, and the next packet to be sent by the client with have sequence number 100, and the next packet to be sent by the server will have sequence number 200. Assume packets are listed in the order seen by the client, and that all packets arrive in both directions.

Packet Sequence Number ACK Number Application Data Size
A. Client sends data 8
B. Server sends data and ACKs packet A 16
C. Client ACKs packet B 0
D. Server sends data 8
E. Server sends data 8
F. Client ACKs packet D 0
G. Client sends data and ACKs packet E 16
H. Server ACKs packet G 0

Some Solutions

  1. Lots of information is included in these packets (port numbers, window sizes, flags, etc). Crucially, we get the initial sequence numbers of the client and the server during this stage. To understand why we have 3 steps in the setup, suppose we had 1 less. To start, our client would still send the syn packet with their sequence number to the server. The server attempts to respond with a SYN/ACK packet containing its sequence number. If our handshake stopped here, we could run into some problems.

  2. Similarly to (1), suppose we only 3 steps in the closing protocol. Without loss of generality, assume that the sender is initiaing the fin. In this case, the server would respond with an ACK and a FIN without waiting to ensure that the client has recieved the FIN message.

  3. A lot of information is important for all stages of the protocol (port number, checksum, etc). Some notable ones at each stage:

Packet Sequence Number ACK Number Application Data Size
A. Client sends data 100 200 8
B. Server sends data and ACKs packet A 200 108 16
C. Client ACKs packet B 108 216 0
D. Server sends data 216 108 8
E. Server sends data 224 108 8
F. Client ACKs packet D 108 224 0
G. Client sends data and ACKs packet E 108 232 16
H. Server ACKs packet G 232 124 0