CPSC 314 Assignment 0

This is an exercise to get you started on OpenGL. It will not be graded.

Experiment more on your own if you like. Many additional models in OBJ format can be downloaded from the web (you can use google to find them).

·         Download and untar a0.tar.gz

·         Build the executable. In Unix use the provided makefile. In Microsoft VS you will need to create a project and add the existing files.

·         Run the program with an obj file name as the first command line parameter (it will crash if no obj file is provided). For example: ./openglDemo shuttle.obj

·         Make the following changes:

o        Change model color.

o        Change the rotation axis to be the X axis.

o        Change the polygons drawing to solid (instead of wireframe).

o        Try to draw simultaneously the wireframe and the solid model.

o        Have the space key toggle the animation on and off.