Student name: Wenxin Zhou There are eight spheres shown in my assignment, from left to right: 1. It is a RBG refractive mixture sphere which I combined three refractive shaders with three different etas in the same sphere below, I extract Red, Blue, and Green segments from three refractive shaders, and also combine it with the reflective shader. While making three etas differ larger from each other, I got a more obvious effect, like: a5/images/largereffect.jpg But the sphere you showed me with the rainbow effect looks much nicer so I just changed the difference between three etas smaller... like: a5/images/smallereffect.jpg The second looks really nice when you zoom in haha :)) 2. It is the refractive material mentioned in part d. I set eta to 0.8 :), looks really big, 0.6 looks nicer but it doesn’t show much changing effect. 3. It is the phong material in part b. 4. It is the Blinn phong material in part a. 5. It is the reflective material in part c with the moon image rendered on top of it. 6. It is the reflective material with six faces rendered by images I got, a total unique sphere in this environment. (I found the ORIGINAL MOON PICTURE before you photoshop it :) ) 7. It is the reflective material mixes with refractive material in the same sphere, I set each with 0.5 visibility(that is visibility right? to me it shows like visibility or proportion) and it is shown like this. 8. The last one in front, I only rendered four pictures on the x pos-axis, neg-axis, z pos-axis, neg-axis of the sphere, so that while you move it around, you can see spring, summer, fall and winter at one time :)