d) Creative Component 1. Refractive Material -Added a refractive material with shaders and a new sphere. 2. User Input Phong and Blinn Phong Uniform values. --Added 2 Colour Pickers and 5 sliders to allow choice of Material Uniforms. --range of choices shown as [x1,x2], defaults as the original values from assignment. --Reset Button resets to original values without need for refresh. Notes: Colour Pickers won't work on Internet explorer, Works fine on Firefox and Chrome. --On chrome a shininess value of 0 and then rotation of camera will cause spheres to flash. Left in because shininess==0 looks interesting. --When choosing colour, important to move slider on side of picker (else it will stay as white) 3. Added "Sphere" and "Torus Know" buttons to allow switching between original sphere and a Torus Knot as geometry.