Project 0, CPSC 314 Jan 2016

Out: Wed Jan 13 2016. Due: Tue Jan 19 2016, 11:59pm

This preliminary project will get you started with the course, and has four parts. First, you'll make sure that your machine is set up with the infrastructure you need, including using either a text editor or an IDE to edit JavaScript, configuring your web browser to access local JavaScript files, version control (for example with git). You'll also want to check out the basics of JavaScript if you haven't used it before. Second, you'll get started with running an example WebGL/JavaScript program and making a few simple changes to it, and learning how to use your browser's JavaScript debugger to inspect and change the running program. Third, you will also read the academic conduct guidelines for the course and certify that you understand them. Fourth, you'll set up and test the handin command.

This preliminary "Project 0" is mandatory but not marked; we will not mark your Project 1 until we see that p0 has been handed in as required below.

It's up to you whether to use your own laptop or the lab machines in CS Room 005. We recommend making sure that you can work on both platforms.

  1. Development Environment

  2. Example WebGL/JavaScript Code

    The example code PO Webgl-Sandbox uses Physijs, which is a wrapper for the ammo.js project, which is a port of the Bullet physics library.

  3. Academic Conduct Guidelines

  4. Handin

    You will now set up and test the process of handing in your project using the handin command.

CPSC 314 Jan 2016