README.txt file to be submitted with CPSC 311 assignments. Please fill out each TODO item in the header but change nothing else, particularly nothing before the colon ":" on each line! =================== HEADER ======================= Student #1, Name: TODO Student #1, login: TODO Student #1, ID: TODO Student #2, Name: TODO (or write "NONE") Student #2, login: TODO (or write "NONE") Student #2, ID: TODO (or write "NONE") Assignment: TODO (fill in assignment name, e.g., a4) Acknowledgment that you understand and have followed the course's collaboration policy (READ IT at Signed: TODO (put your names here again as a signature) =================== BODY ======================= Plese fill in each of the following: Approximate hours on this assignment: TODO Acknowledgment of assistance (per the collab policy!): TODO For teams, rough breakdown of work: TODO (no more than a paragraph needed!) What's something cool, interesting, frustrating, or tangentially relevant that this assignment made you think about? TODO What was the best part of this assignment? TODO What was the worst part of this assignment? TODO TODO: Document any additional issues about your submission you feel might be important.