CPSC 426 Computer Animation

January-April 2008, MWF 11am-12pm, in Dempster 301.

Instructor: Robert Bridson

TA: Stelian Coros

Prerequisites: one of CPSC 314, CPSC 414, or EECE 478.

This course is about the fundamental ideas and algorithms of animation, with applications in making films and games. This is not an art class, and we won't be learning to use any particular animation package; the focus will be on the computer science of animation.

Contacting Us

You can always email me at rbridson@cs.ubc.ca. My office hours are Monday 3-4 and Thursday 2-3, in X663 (the south side of the new part of the building). I will also be available after class, or by appointment.

Stelian's office hour is Friday, 1-2, in X150.

There is a course newsgroup, ubc.courses.cpsc.426.

Previous Offerings

New Stuff

April 11: Final projects are now due April 13.

April 6: Collision notes added to Resources section.

April 6: Example final exam added to Work section.

April 4: Reference implementations for assignment 2 added to Work section.

April 2: Class cancelled.

March 26: Assignment 3 is out.

March 5: Assignment 2 is finally out.

February 1: Two more papers to read.

January 30: Added RenderMan section to Resources.

January 23: Three new papers to read, under Reading.

January 23: Thursday Jan 24 office hour cancelled.

January 21: A few references to splines under Resources.

January 14: B-spline code up under Resources.

January 7: Assignment 0 is out.

January 7: Professor office hours are M3-4 and R2-3.

Octover 2: New textbook announced (Principles of Three Dimensional Computer Animation, by Michael O'Rourke).

August 29: Updating website for new term.