Author: Chih-Wei Steven Feng Std # : 38605028 Course: CPSC 314 Date: 10/14/04 Files used... 1. lion.cpp - main codes for this project 2. extra.cpp - codes with extra features 3. extra2.cpp - codes with extra features 4. makefile - codes for compiling the cpp files 5. attack.txt - script file used for extra.cpp 6. beg.txt - script file used for lion.cpp 7. pee.txt - script file used for extra2.cpp 8. sitdown.txt - script file used for lion.cpp 9. wag.txt - script file used for lion.cpp Instructions: 1. to run the file... run makefile by typing "make" and enter 2. after all files are compiled type... "leo" (file) and enter the file is optional, if no file is given, then you will see a lion in grass field in resting position position( standing) 3. the files you can use for this part are... I. "beg.txt" which contains keyframes of the lion sitting down with rear legs bent II. "sitdown.txt" which contains keyframes of the lion jumping up III. "wag.txt" which has keyframes of the lion shaking it's head and wagging it's tail 4. to run the animations, press the space bar to start, press the space bar again to stop while the animation is running, pressing the "k" key will alow you to jump from one keyframe to the other 5. other keys on the keyboard are... by pressing... you can move the... -------------------------------------------- "q" & "w" camera angle "e" & "r" head sideways "t" & "y" waist "u" & "i" mouth "o" & "p" tail sideways "a" & "s" left front leg "d" & "f" left front knee "g" & "h" left front ankle "j" & "l" right front leg ";" & "." right front knee "z" & "x" right front ankle "c" & "v" left rear leg "b" & "n" left rear knee "m" & "," left rear ankle "1" & "2" right rear leg "3" & "4" right rear knee "5" & "6" right rear ankle "7" & "8" head forward & backward "9" & "0" tail up & down 6. to quit, press the "ESC" key . !!!EXTRAS!!! I've added 2 extra features to my lion to do this... I. type... "leo2" (file) and enter the file for this part is "attack.txt" this will allow the lion attack my prototype dog, which is very ugly, and the angles are screwed up... II. type... "leo3" (file) and enter the file for this part is "pee.txt" this will allow my lion to lift it's left rear leg and pee! *just a reminder, part 4 to 6 all work in part 7 as well*