Jondeau Pierre By submitting this file, I hereby declare that I worked individually on this assignment and that I am the only author of this code. I have listed all external resoures (web pages, books) used below. I have listed all people with whom I have had significant discussions about the project below. I haven't used any website neither any book, I typed all of my code alone, without any help, exept the slides given in class. I've succeded in implementing all the functionalities of the assigment: - Create the complete animal - Animating the 4 legs independently - Animating the neck and the mouth - Animating the tail - Jumping I wanted to create a flexible skeleton of the animal, all the vertebras are created in a loop, decreasing the parameters at each step. I didn't really faced difficulties, exept maybe that my application was faster in the lab than on my laptop, then I used the glutTimerFunc() in order to slow it down a little bit. Extra work: When my Iguana is jumping, it curls up into a ball and do a front flip. Added cubes representing a sun, grass and cloud.