Project 3 README Patrick Kane Alex Gukov The goal of our game is to shoot the enemy while avoiding being shot by the enemy. You are the blue triangle on the radar. The enemies (helicopters and tanks) are the red triangles. The enemies require four hits to kill. On the first hit, it will display smoke. On the third, it will catch on fire. There is some scenery to look at on the island: trees, which you can set on fire by shooting, and a tower in the centre of the map with a large bonfire and a rippling flag. Controls: W - forward S - backward Q - roll right E - roll left A - turn left D - turn right SPACE - toggle mouse navigation + aim to just aim LEFT MOUSE BUTTON - shoot RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON - roll Advanced features we implemented: Particle systems: fire, smoke, explosions Procedural texturing: Perlin Noise for clouds, helicopter textures Procedural modelling: terrain, trees, flag motion Collision detection: with ground, all object, including missiles and trees HUD: radar, health/speed dials, score display Navigation: simultaneous turret aiming and movement are independent Sources: For procedural texturing: For particle systems: TGA Texture loading based on the code from Terrain generation algorithm Collisiion Detection Algorithm Texture resource: