Garbage Cleaning Car Game Jack Chiu Jiayan Zhang to compile: type "make" to play: type "car" to exit the game: press ESC key Goal of the car game: (1) Explore the scene (2) Clean all the "garbages" on the street. You get bonus points for cleaning them up. Beware: there are invisible walls, and you might be trapped. Control: -"8" or up = accelerate -"5" or down = decelerate -"4" or left = turn left -"6" or right = turn right Weather: -We implemented fog. Press "f" to play the game under weather condition Light: -We implemented day and night. Press "l" to play the game under dark condition View: -We implement Air and Driver view. Press "v" to change view mode. Collision: -Collision control is implemented. Feel free to bump into buildings.