Type "make" to create the program "assn3" program options: RAY-TRACEING: see RTSyntax.doc for instruction of how to create input files 1. assn3 ray-trace -frame will create a frame from the input file and stores it into the output file. Option interger can be 1, 9, or 25, which specify the number of sampling per pixel 2. assn3 ray-trace will create frame files base on the list of files store in the input file, optional integer can be 1, 9, or 25, which specify the number of sampling per pixel VIEWING RESULTS: not sure how to put the results into image format, so i created my own format... not that good.... 3. assn3 viewer -frame read a single frame file and display the frame in the viewer 4. assn3 viewer reads and display the frames list in the frame-list file Notes: quit the viewer window with Esc key to prevent memory leak do not resize the viewer window shadows doesn't work that well, maybe i'm setting bad klocal, kreflect, krefract parameters.... sampling work for 1, 9, 25 pt sampling gave up on adding the ability to add fire-works to the ray-tracer (fire-works implemented as multiple light-srcs) // Demos: ------------------------------------------------ all demos and their input files (including ppms) are contain in demos.tar all demos are tar then zip to reduce file sizes... unpack then type assn3 viewer .output to run the demos e.g /> tar zxf demo1Output.tar.gz /> assn3 viewer demo1.output tar/zip files: nightscene.tar.gz - scene with glass ball in center(render time: ~45 min, 25 pt sampling) - water reflection and rapples are simulated with texture maps world.tar.gz - the white line on the earth sphere is the outline of the asteroid sphere - some sampling issue with the reflections (the black spots on the spheres) demo1 (render time: ~1.5 hr on lab machines, 25 pt sampling) - inputs are store in demo1Input.tar.gz - outputs are store in demo1Output.tar.gz - a reflective sphere moving back and froth, to the left is a reflective plane, reflecting the movement of the sphere demo2 (depth = 5: render time ~ .5 hr) (given up on depth of 20 after 7 hrs of rendering with less than 10% of the complete image) - i want to see how my ray tracer fair against last yrs r.t. , my sucked... especially in the shadow department - not sure what happen to the top-left ball (fire textured) in demo2.foutput ... probably due to lighting. - in demo2new.foutput, the top-left ball is move towards the camera to see if the missing half will reappear... same result - on the side note, demo2new.foutput was rendering with 9 pt sampling, which is more choppy than the 25 pt sample