THUNDERBIRD 414 - A SIMPLE SHOOT-EM-UP =============== by Bernie Wong CPSC 414 Assignment #3 Thunderbird 414 (TB414) plays like the usual shoot-em-up airplane shooter game. You control the TBird (blue and yellow plane) and avoid or shoot down incoming enemy plans. Enemy planes will have a red, white, and gray colour scheme. Your TBird begins with 5 hitpoints. You will lose one hitpoint on every collision with an enemy ship or enemy fire (with the exception of one ship, which you will know to avoid.) When you lose all your hitpoints, the game ends. Your remaining hitpoints and current score is display at the bottom of the screen Rendered in 3D, played in 2D CONTROLS -------- MOVEMENT - Arrow Keys SHOOT - Period Key QUIT - ESC Key or Q CREDITS ------- Code based on CPSC 414 Assignment #1. Math Library from CPSC 414 Assignment #2. Collision detection algorithm based on STILL TO DO ----------- - Change collision detection to something more precise and optimized - Add depth sorting to eliminate artifacts from alpha/transparency - Add more variety of ships - Add more detailed/complex ship geometry - Texture map ships - Add a nicer background - Design levels that are more fun - Balance gameplay (object speeds) - Add more weapons and powerups to player ship - Add the 'bomb' - Add 'lives' - Make ships flash on 'hit' - Try making use of Z direction (3d shooter?)