CPSC414 Assignment 3 - UBC TAXI By: Karl Martin Jason Carlo Tang To compile type 'make' To run type 'UBCTaxi' Welcome to UBC TAXI. Pickup and Dropoff students to various destinations on UBC CAMPUS. Drive there as quick as you can to earn more points. Get bonus points for running over the students in "Grey". Addtional bonus points Interesting features: - In 1st,2nd and 3rd view: - Best for viewing our details and scenery - Please take note of: - Watch the sun when game first starts! - It slowly rises! - Bodyroll and movement of the deadbody in trunk when turning - Car bounce and tracks when riding on the grass - Both dependant on speed - Smoke from hood when car hits buildings or tree's - brake lights turn on - special ramp jump feature dependent on speed - can drive inside parkade - e-brake for faster turning - In the 4th view: - Best for playing the game and scoring high! - All high scores were in 4th view! -HAVE FUN!!