Policies – Marking Concerns

All marking disagreements must be brought to our attention no later than one week from when the work is handed back (not when you check it or pick it up). Work handed back electronically has the same requirements. When a piece of marked work is handed back it is your responsibility to review the marked material. Specifically there are two things you want to verify:

  1. That the marks are added up correctly and all parts of the work have been marked.
  2. That the questions have been marked properly.

You have one week from the time the work was handed back to bring any of the above errors to our attention. Please submit review requests via the Qualtrics survey form: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0PxCVsOJs1cv3Se.

You will need to provide a detailed justification as to why your answer as submitted is correct. Keep in mind that explanations such as I thought you meant X or What I meant to say was …, do not constitute acceptable explanations. The explanations must be well reasoned, articulate arguments that establish the correctness of your answer, as written, to the question.

When requesting a marking reconsideration we reserve the right to review the marking of other questions, not just the one(s) you are bringing to our attention, for accuracy and consistency. Such a remarking could result in the marks of other questions being adjusted as appropriate. When requesting that a question be remarked, it is possible that the mark for that question could go down as well as staying the same or going up.